Thursday, May 4, 2023

Because He Said So

We must constantly remind ourselves that HE is God, and we are not. - Anon

Abram had no idea where he was going when he left his home in Haran, but he trusted God knew the directions. Amen!

"Because I said so!" It was an answer to our many questions that our parents gave to us as kids seemingly over and over again in our younger growing up years. And it was one we readily accepted without question or skepticism. Did it explain what we were asking - NO! Did it give us further insight into what we were seeking - NO! But it did satisfy our curiosity at that time because we fully trusted in the one giving us the answer. That's the faith God looks for in us today. Even when we ask and don't get an answer, or get an answer we don't understand, will we continue to trust in the ONE who is Sovereign over us? All that He has shown and given us in the past should be our foundation to trust Him in the present situation and with our future.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"Blessed are those who have not seen but yet believe." - John 20:29

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