The moment Eve ate and offered the fruit in the Garden to Adam, he had a major decision on his hands. OUCH!
Freewill - it's a gift from God. The ability to choose one thing over another, make this decision over another. And each new day God gives us is full of opportunity to exercise it. It is the very foundation of love. Yes, love. Most times we use the word love as a noun to 'qualify' something, but in truth it is a verb, a word of action. It is seen in the things we do, the actions we take and the attitude that we attach to them. Dare to love someone and challenges will arise, just as they did in the Garden. In our time here on earth God gives us opportunity to perfect our love for Him through the situations and circumstances of life. His desire is that we truly understand the 'Great Commandment' and our place within it. So whatever we're faced with today, may God be first!
Until tomorrow...
Pastor Botts
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second command is this: love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these." - Mark 12:30-31
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