Many folks saw Noah working on the ark but none of them believed God was with him. Hmm!
Jesus said "my Father is always at His work!" So the question I guess is how often throughout the day do we actually see God working? It's all a matter of perspective and understanding. Many people look at a tree and just see a tree. A person of faith sees 'God at work' with all that the tree provides - homes for birds and other animals, shade/shelter, food - not to mention greenery for beauty and to aid in the production of oxygen for us. Many people see children at play and that's it, but a person of faith sees 'God at work' reminding us to choose joy and happiness in the midst of an imperfect world. Our perspective is shaped and informed by what we know. So the more we know of God and His Word the more we will see Him 'at His work' in and around our lives. Praying today may be eye opening and breathtaking to us all.
Until tomorrow...
Pastor Botts
"I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." - Psalm 27:13
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