The moment Elijah stopped running from Jezebel, God ministered to him in a mighty way. Hmm!
Nationwide Insurance once used the slogan, “because life comes at you fast.” The truth of the matter is that it’s not life that comes fast; but life’s situations. But there is nothing written that says we have to respond at equal velocity. When we act quickly or rashly we often play right into the hands of the enemy, because he knows a quick or rash answer is not often thought out, nor prayed over, consequences and all. God tells us in His word in many ways to be cautious – be slow to speak or take offense, don’t be quick to run to sin, etc – for our own good. Life is not a wind sprint but a long journey, so to avoid ‘burnout’ and be successful it’s best for us to pace ourselves.
As we prepare for the coming 'New Year' let us keep this in mind. God is never in a hurry.
See you in a few days…
Pastor Botts
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted above the earth.” – Psalm 46:10