Monday, December 8, 2014

More than Average

The average day is average only because we don't make it something more. - J. Maxwell

God fed the Israelites 'fresh food' (manna) everyday. They just ate without giving it a second thought. Hmm!

Most moments in our lives become 'special' only because we designate them so. Celebrations, major events or milestones, etc. But when we designate what is special we leave God out. It was He who determined what is 'good' and the very first day He made and every one since then is 'good.' The very fact that we had nothing to do with the creation and coming of today makes it miraculous. God designed it, cropped it, filled it with His glory, and gifted it to us; all in a manner designed to help perfect our character. If we can get so excited at someone just baking us a cake for our birthday, should not our appreciation for what God shows us every day be 'off the charts!' Hopefully, we'll all take time to be amazed today.

Until tomorrow....

Pastor Botts

"...the Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands....Day after day.....night after night...." - Psalm 19:1-2

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