Thursday, May 3, 2018

Reality: The Results of Life

We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. - Ayn Rand
The Garden of Eden in the presence of God is where mankind started, but look at us now. Hmm!
The statement 'results count, excuses don't' will always be true. And the real results of life (reality) stare us in the face every day, but somehow we manage to put them off for another day. The realities of our unhealthy diets and eating binges and/or not getting enough exercise (weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.); the realities of our not budgeting, planning, or being economical with our finances (bad credit, no savings, living paycheck to paycheck, etc.); and the realities of our inconsistent faith practice (sporadic church attendance, little or no prayer/bible study/giving). We often wonder why 'life' isn't better but in truth we know, we just don't want to admit it, accept it, and then apply ourselves to change it. If we're waiting for that 'one day' to make a change, TODAY is the gift God has given.
Until tomorrow.....
Pastor Botts
"...Then you will know the truth, and the TRUTH will set you free..." - John 8:32
REMINDER: today is the National Day of Prayer!

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