Showing posts with label John 8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John 8. Show all posts

Friday, February 7, 2025

No More Blame Game

Before pointing a finger at someone else make sure your nails are clean. – Anon

In the Garden, Adam blamed Eve, she blamed the serpent, and here we are today. Hmm!

We live in a fallen world, that’s a given. We’re all imperfect beings who sometimes fall short of God’s expectations. What’s amazing though is that, though we know we live in a fallen world we seem to get so much joy pointing out others sins and imperfections rather than working on our own. Constructive criticism is great when it is offered in love and respect to the person, but not when it’s given to tear them down. The God we serve asks us to be loving and forgiving of our brothers and sisters, not condemning or speaking ill of them. Throughout today we can rest assured God’s going to give us ample chances to practice what he expects of us.

Until Monday…

Pastor Botts

“….If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her…..At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time…..” – John 8:7,9

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

A Time to Clean Up

There's no refund for time poorly spent. - J.F. Millburn

After talking to God, it didn't take Joshua long to find and correct the problem at Ai. Hmm!

Here we are 3 years removed from COVID's primary outbreak and we're still arguing over where it started. We're 3 years beyond the 'insurrection' and we're still trying to figure out who's responsible (we know). Now today, here you are way beyond cleaning up your life the way you promised yourself some time ago. Hmm! The problem is we often look and look again at the issues and carnage that has happened trying to find a pattern. But rarely do we close the proverbial 'barn door' or 'shut off the valve' that caused the issue in the first place. Before we clean up things, we need to stop the causes. That's where Christ and His transforming power comes into place. There's nothing too hard for Him and He will bring about the changes we need with justice and righteousness as He cleans up our mess. Yeah, the Messiah is who we need.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"Jesus replied, 'Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.......So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." - John 8:34,36

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Freedom... Isn't Free

Freedom isn’t free, and its cost is eternal vigilance. – Anon

As we celebrate this ‘Independence Day’ let us not forget the costs paid and the paths forged that make it possible. First and foremost is what God did for us through His Son Jesus Christ to free us from sin and make us His children. Second, for this nation and the ‘Founding Fathers’ who risked life and death to build a nation who believed in God and His Word. We must forever be vigilant in adhering to, promoting, and protecting these gifts that cost so much. The battles ahead won’t be so much with guns and napalm, etc. on foreign shores, but with pen and votes here in our own backyard. May we realize now that our freedoms are left to us to defend. Blessings!

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“….You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free…” – John 8:32

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The Truth Quest

The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it. – Ayn Rand

Pilate could not recognize Christ as the truth because he already had his own version. Hmm!

We sit next to them and wonder. They sit next to us and do the same. We grew up with them and wonder. They grew up with us and do the same. What is it? It’s wondering where were they when this simple truth, whatever it may be, that seemingly everybody should know; was given out or taught. We got it, how come they didn’t, they were there we know – at least physically. In this mixed up world we live in we often forget a few things about the people we live and associate with. First, not everyone is in search of the truth, their own version yes – but the actual truth, no. They will go along with a program until it conflicts with their inner desires. And second, the enemy has blinded some to the truth, they can’t accept it in any form. Their desire is to overturn or discredit any opposition to them. Our quest is to make sure we continually seek the whole truth, not just for understanding but for application into our daily lives for a life that pleases God. It’s a proven maxim that if you repeat anything often enough it will start to become you. So as the day progresses our challenge is to see if anyone would mistake us for Jesus.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“….you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free….: - John 8:32

Friday, November 18, 2022

Handling The Real

We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. - Ayn Rand

The Garden of Eden in the presence of God is where mankind started but look at us now. Hmm!

The statement 'results count, excuses don't' will always be true. And the real results of life (reality) stare us in the face every day, but somehow we manage to put them off for another day. The realities of our unhealthy diets and eating binges and/or not getting enough exercise (weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.); the realities of our not budgeting, planning, or being economical with our finances (bad credit, no savings, living paycheck to paycheck, etc.); and the realities of our inconsistent faith practice (sporadic church attendance, little or no prayer/bible study/giving). We often wonder why 'life' isn't better but in truth we know, we just don't want to admit it, accept it, and then apply ourselves to change it. If we're waiting for that 'one day' to make a change, TODAY is the gift God has given.

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"...Then you will know the truth, and the TRUTH will set you free..." - John 8:32

Monday, June 6, 2022

Other Prisons

You cannot escape a prison if you don't know you're in one. – Vernon Howard

It took him a while, but the Prodigal Son finally realized he had the only key to set himself aright again. Hmm!

Because we are generally sight oriented individuals many of us know a jail or prison when we see one, having seen many in books and on screen. But such environments really only limit an individuals movement. There are far greater prisons that even in freedom hinder our growth, happiness, and joy. Many of us live lives controlled by debt, remain in relationships that are unhealthy, or stay chained to habits that destroy or bankrupt us physically and/or morally, often going to great lengths to convince ourselves this is the way it should be. These are prisons. However, Jesus promised us an ‘abundant life’ this side of heaven. Not so much on prosperity, but a life to fully be all God meant us to be. The decision to change our circumstances has always resided with us. The question to answer truthfully is "do they need changing?”

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:32

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Build Up Not Tear Down

Before pointing a finger at someone else make sure your nails are clean. – Anon

In the Garden, Adam blamed Eve, she blamed the serpent, and here we are today. Hmm!

We live in a fallen world, that’s a given. We’re all imperfect beings who sometimes fall short of God’s expectations. What’s amazing though is that, though we know we live in a fallen world we seem to get so much joy pointing out others sins and imperfections rather than working on our own. Constructive criticism is great when it is offered in love and respect to the person, but not when it’s given to tear them down. The God we serve asks us to be loving and forgiving of our brothers and sisters, not condemning or speaking ill of them. Throughout today we can rest assured God’s going to give us ample chances to practice what he expects of us.

Until tomorrow……

Pastor Botts

“….If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her…..At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time…..” – John 8:7,9

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Do You WANT the Truth?

The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it. – Ayn Rand

Pilate could not recognize Christ as the truth because he already had his own version. Hmm!

We sit next to them and wonder. They sit next to us and do the same. We grew up with them and wonder. They grew up with us and do the same. What is it? It’s wondering where were they when this simple truth, whatever it may be, that seemingly everybody should know; was given out or taught. We got it, how come they didn’t, they were there we know – at least physically. In this mixed up world we live in we often forget a few things about the people we live and associate with. First, not everyone is in search of the truth, their own version yes – but the actual truth, no. They will go along with a program until it conflicts with their inner desires. And second, the enemy has blinded some to the truth, they can’t accept it in any form. Their desire is to overturn or discredit any opposition to them. Our quest is to make sure we continually seek the whole truth, not just for understanding but for application into our daily lives for a life that pleases God. It’s a proven maxim that if you repeat anything often enough it will start to become you. So as the day progresses our challenge is to see if anyone would mistake us for Jesus.

Until tomorrow…..

Pastor Botts

“….you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free….: - John 8:32

Thursday, July 4, 2019

The Battles Ahead

Freedom isn’t free, and its cost is eternal vigilance. – Anon
As we celebrate this ‘Independence Day’ let us not forget the costs paid and the paths forged that make it possible.
First and foremost is what God did for us through His Son Jesus Christ to free us from sin and make us His children. Second, for this nation and the ‘Founding Fathers’ who risked life and death to build a nation who believed in God and His Word. We must forever be vigilant in adhering to, promoting, and protecting these gifts that cost so much. The battles ahead won’t be so much with guns and napalm, etc. on foreign shores, but with pen and votes here in our own backyard. May we realize now that our freedoms are left to us to defend. Blessings!
Until tomorrow….
Pastor Botts
“….You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free…” – John 8:32

Friday, November 16, 2018

More than one type

You cannot get out of prison if you don’t know you’re in one. – P. Drucker
It took him a while, but the Prodigal Son finally realized he had the only key to set himself aright again. Hmm!
Because we are generally sight oriented individuals many of us know a jail or prison when we see one, having seen many in books and on screen. But such environments really only limit an individuals movement. There are far greater prisons that even in freedom hinder our growth, happiness, and joy. Many of us live lives controlled by debt, remain in relationships that are unhealthy, or stay chained to habits that destroy or bankrupt us physically and/or morally, often going to great lengths to convince ourselves this is the way it should be. These are prisons. However, Jesus promised us an ‘abundant life’ this side of heaven. Not so much on prosperity, but a life to fully be all God meant us to be. The decision to change our circumstances has always resided with us. The question to answer truthfully is "do they need changing?”
Until Monday……
Pastor Botts
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:32
P.S. - Reminder: Clean-up day tomorrow beginning at 7:30AM.
Also, due to work going on in the Sanctuary, Sunday services will be held in Parmes Hall.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Reality: The Results of Life

We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. - Ayn Rand
The Garden of Eden in the presence of God is where mankind started, but look at us now. Hmm!
The statement 'results count, excuses don't' will always be true. And the real results of life (reality) stare us in the face every day, but somehow we manage to put them off for another day. The realities of our unhealthy diets and eating binges and/or not getting enough exercise (weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.); the realities of our not budgeting, planning, or being economical with our finances (bad credit, no savings, living paycheck to paycheck, etc.); and the realities of our inconsistent faith practice (sporadic church attendance, little or no prayer/bible study/giving). We often wonder why 'life' isn't better but in truth we know, we just don't want to admit it, accept it, and then apply ourselves to change it. If we're waiting for that 'one day' to make a change, TODAY is the gift God has given.
Until tomorrow.....
Pastor Botts
"...Then you will know the truth, and the TRUTH will set you free..." - John 8:32
REMINDER: today is the National Day of Prayer!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Cost of Freedom

Freedom isn’t free, and its cost is eternal vigilance. – Anon
As we celebrate this ‘Independence Day’ let us not forget the costs paid and the paths forged that make it possible. First and foremost is what God did for us through His Son Jesus Christ to free us from sin and make us His children. Second, for this nation and the ‘Founding Fathers’ who risked life and death to build a nation who believed in God and His Word. We must forever be vigilant in adhering to, promoting, and protecting these gifts that cost so much. The battles ahead won’t be so much with guns and napalm, etc. on foreign shores, but with pen and votes here in our own backyard. May we realize now that our freedoms are left to us to defend. Blessings!
Until tomorrow….
Pastor Botts
“….You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free…” – John 8:32

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Flex not Compromise

People, like nails; lose their effectiveness when they begin to bend. – W. Landor

Gideon brought peace from war to Israel for forty years, and a snare to his family because of his “golden ephod.” Hmm!

True, it’s a fine line to walk between being flexible and compromising our faith, but it’s one we must walk nonetheless. The true test of the matter is will the action you’re considering allow you to maintain your integrity and connection with God. We so often want to please everyone, but that is an impossibility. If God is God, and His truth is absolute, our obedience is straightforward. The world is trying to push compromise as flexibility, but Jesus said “either you’re for me or against me.” May we all stand tall today.

Until tomorrow…..

Pastor Botts

“To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” – John 8:31-32

Monday, February 9, 2015

Pointing Fingers

Before pointing a finger at someone else make sure your nails are clean. – Anon

In the Garden, Adam blamed Eve, she blamed the serpent, and here we are today. Hmm!

We live in a fallen world, that’s a given. We’re all imperfect beings who sometimes fall short of God’s expectations. What’s amazing though is that, though we know we live in a fallen world we seem to get so much joy pointing out others sins and imperfections rather than working on our own. Constructive criticism is great when it is offered in love and respect to the person, but not when it’s given to tear them down. The God we serve asks us to be loving and forgiving of our brothers and sisters, not condemning or speaking ill of them. Throughout today we can rest assured God’s going to give us ample chances to practice what he expects of us.

Until Monday……

Pastor Botts

“….If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her…..At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time…..” – John 8:7,9

Note: Bro. Terry Grissett is working on building our 'digital library.' If you have music that you would like to be included please speak with him to get the specifics of what is needed. Blessings!