Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Impaired Judgement

Impaired vision isn't only an eye problem. - Anon
Naomi wanted to be called 'Mara' or bitter. God showed her that name didn't really fit. Amen!
DUI/DWI. Acronyms that no one really wants associated with their name. It means being caught operating a motor vehicle while your judgment has been impaired by alcohol, drugs or medications. Though we do all we can to ensure this is not us, we often find ourselves equally guilty of impaired judgment when it comes to others. We see and assume the worst of people just by their appearance (heavily tattooed - must be a gang member, unkempt or dirty - must be homeless, etc.). The fact of the matter is Jesus tells us not to judge anyone, for we all have issues and shortcomings. The good news is God is not finished with us yet. So ours should not be a comparison game of who's better off, but a prayer moment of "Lord, help us both, that you might be glorified!" As we greet this new dawning called today, may this be our prayer throughout.
Until tomorrow.....
Pastor Botts
" not judge, or you too will be judged...." - Matthew 7:1

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