Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Playing with Fire

Most of us keep one eye on the temptation we pray not to be led into. – M. H. Waldrip
David ‘looked’ a little bit too long at Bathsheba on the rooftop, and you know the rest of the story. OUCH!
Fire. We all know its benefits. It purifies precious metals, forges steel and iron for building, as well as warming our homes and cooking our food. In scripture fire is a symbol of the Holy Spirit at times – all good stuff. Ironically though, fire is also a destroyer, it destroys buildings and homes, possessions, and figuratively speaking, lives and relationships. And again scripturally speaking fire is the agent that makes hell hot. But the one truth about fire whether literally or figuratively speaking is ‘if you get too close you’ll get burned!’ It is not something to be taken lightly. To some extent, each one of us is probably tempted on a daily basis to play with fire knowing the results could be disastrous (flirting, cheating, lying, gossip, etc.), but yet we play; often not even feeling the heat. The enemy tempts us in many ways but the end result is always the same, fire. God asks us to be constantly vigilant in our daily activities for eternity hangs in the balance.
Until tomorrow……
Pastor Botts
“Can a man embrace fire and his clothes not be burned? Can a man walk on burning coals without scorching his feet? – Proverbs 6:27-28

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