Friday, June 21, 2024

Charting Your Destiny

Choices are the hinges of destiny. – Edwin Markham

The rich young ruler chose his earthly treasures, which he identified with, over Jesus and everlasting life. He also went away sad. OUCH!

“I wish I had done .....” “I should have gone to .......” “I shouldn’t have ......” These are all statements we often make when reflecting on our life. We are right now a summation of all the choices we made in the yesterdays of life. To look back over our life and lament over those choices is useless, we are where we are right now. To look back over them and learn from them and to chart the hand of God “working” throughout for our good regardless is breathtaking. Even better is the fact that God has gifted us TODAY, with every opportunity to make good choices that will determine our tomorrows and our eternity. Are you up to the challenge?

Until Monday…

Pastor Botts

“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and mammon.” – Matthew 6:24

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