Saturday, June 1, 2024

Closet Time With Jesus

A holy life is not lived in the closet, but it cannot survive without one. - Anon

Paul's letters mention how he 'often' prayed for those who came to faith. I'm sure that's not all he prayed for. Hmm!

We wash them in 'Woolite'! We get them professionally dry-cleaned! We hang them properly, sometimes in plastic bags in the closet. What are they, our clothes or garments. Those pieces we always want to look good in, in public. Whether it be clothes, cars, jewelry, etc., we all have things we give much more attention and protection to, ensuring their presentation always draws attention. That should ever be the case with our faith walk with God. It deserves the utmost of care in terms of preparation (study, prayer, fasting) and presentation (avoiding the appearance of sin). It's true that life has a frenetic pace, but it's equally true that we don't have to participate in everything that makes it that way. If our lives are starting to get frayed around the ends, maybe some closet time with Jesus is just what we need.

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"......But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is unseen....." - Matthew 6:6

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