Wednesday, June 12, 2024

What's Your Source?

People who say God is dead and Elvis is alive can’t be too bright! – L. J. Harvey

Amaziah consulted with God, and then went out and conquered the Edomites and their gods which could not save them. Then he turned around and consulted with their gods. HMMM!

Advice. No matter how brilliant, wise, and aged we are, we all need it at times. True, most times it's unsolicited, but often when we do need it we rarely think of our Heavenly Father or His word. We turn to worldly books, talk-shows, unsaved friends and other soothsayers. But if we’re trying to live a holy, righteous life, maybe we should seek the advice of the one who is holy, righteous and all knowing - God! When changes and difficulties come our way, maybe we should seek His way.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“ When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?” – Isaiah 8:18-19

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