Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A Leadership Mindset

A leader's most powerful ally is his or her own example. - John Wooden

Paul said he became 'whatever' it took to win one to Christ. Wow!

Magic vs. Bird. Steph vs. Lebron. All champions in their own right, but it seems Magic and Steph have a charisma that infected those they played beside with enthusiasm, excitement, and FUN. Our faith should be somewhat like that, so noticeable that it impacts and infects those we're with a good deal of the time. We should live our life and do our jobs as if Jesus were our immediate supervisor (He is). Who we work for and the type of work doesn't really matter, our attitude is what's important, and it's what God looks upon (heart). Each day we should seek the Holy Spirit and ask Him to help us do the job with pleasure, determination, and confidence - this will not only attract others, but also allow us the opportunity to 'infect' them. Not only is it a great feeling, but it leaves the door open for great things to happen, and that's what leaders do, provide opportunities for greatness to enter. Are you in?

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"...Mordecai the Jew was........preeminent among the Jews, and held in high esteem by his many fellow Jews, because he worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of all the Jews." - Esther 10:3

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