Monday, July 22, 2024

The Value of Originality

Everyone is born an original, but sadly many will die as a copy. – Abraham Lincoln

Early in his reign king Asa trusted God and received favor. Later he trusted more in men, lost God’s favor and died diseased and lonely. Hmm!

The US Treasury spends millions each year to protect our currency from counterfeiters, for they know counterfeit currency de-values the original and is bad for our overall economy. It’s a noble and righteous pursuit. But interestingly enough, when it comes to us as people, most of us spend money profusely, use our bodies wildly, and educate ourselves illicitly to fit in with the culture and practices of everyone else. We thus devalue the originality God gave us, becoming in essence a counterfeit or copy. This is a clever ruse of the enemy. God designed each one of us uniquely according to His good purpose and desire for us, and great craftsmanship needs no other work upon it, just care and nurturing. If we won’t be who God made us to be, who will?

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." - Psalm 139:14

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