Saturday, July 6, 2024

Better Left Unsaid

Dignity is the capacity to hold back on the tongue what never should have been in the mind in the first place. – Anon

When Jesus was being scourged for our sins the bible says he “never said a mumbling word.” Such a loud, grand, and dignified response. Amen!

There is an old cliché which states: ‘Please engage your brain before putting your mouth in gear,’ meaning we need to stop and think before we speak. As children of God we need to seriously consider this truth. Often, we speak too quickly and sometimes harshly, when it would be best to remain silent and prayerful. God is not against us being instructional or critical in our speaking, as long as it's done in an encouraging and engaging manner. But we must also know that no matter the case 'as above with Christ' sometimes some things are often left better unsaid and unthought. I pray you much success today!

Until Monday…

Pastor Botts

“He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend.” – Proverbs 22:11

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