The NEW spot for Southside's Thoughts for the Day as penned by our pastor Herbert Botts
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Faithful to BEing
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Trusting God's Care
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Shout Now!
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Pay Attention to the Signs
When Paul traveled from city to city the first thing he often looked for was the 'gathering' place. If they didn't have one he often started it. Hmm!
Medical research has revealed that though heart attacks are 'silent', the body gives of a host of warning signs in the early preventable stages if we would only pay attention. Be that as it may I know a host of people who have ignored the warnings of a much more serious type of heart trouble. I know you know some as well, or maybe you're one yourself. Who are they: 'Christians' who loosely live by the name. I say loosely because they may have been to the church, even baptized, but have not been seen at the church often since then. They know they should be in attendance but quiet their conscience by saying missing church services is really not a serious matter. Or they fail to tithe/give, convincing themselves that God would want them to have whatever pleasure they spend the money on. They fail to get involved in any study, ministry, or outreach, and then blame the church for being cold or impersonal. Just as doctors would tell us not to ignore the warning signs of heart trouble, so does God's Word. We are told 'not to forsake the assembly' we're told to 'love the fellowship' to 'prefer one another' and on and on. These are truths we should give serious consideration to, for to neglect them has far worse consequences than a heart attack.
Until tomorrow.......
Pastor Botts
"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell." - Matthew 10:28
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Blessings on Blessings
The more we thank God for what we have, the more we have to thank God for. – Anon
When Jesus gave thanks over a few loaves and fish it suddenly became enough to feed 5,000+, with leftovers. Hmm!
Count your blessings, name them one by one….so the song goes. The underlying theme is we could never really get to a final tally of just how much God has truly blessed us. We tend to be thankful for only those blessings we can quantify or tangibly note - like family, homes, jobs, etc. - but there is much more. Our freedom, our rights, our government just to name a few. Not to mention all that God through His divine providence put in place and keeps in place – sun, moon, stars, atmospheric conditions, ecosystems, food systems, etc., before we came on the scene. What he asked Job (Where we you when I created......?) still resonates today, and we would be just as foolish to think we can tally up all He’s done for us.
Until tomorrow……
Pastor Botts
“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil: my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life….” – Psalm 23:5-6
Monday, August 17, 2020
Necessary Breaks
David, the mighty warrior king, often gave his men breaks to tend the homefires. Hmm!
In the sport of weightlifting the goal is to build up your strength to lift as much as you can while remaining balanced and under control, and generally you have a 'spotter' to assist you. But eventually you get to put the weight down and rest. Life itself can sometimes be a comparison. We bear great weights (family, job, finances, etc.) on our shoulders, though we often call them responsibilities. Truthfully, these are all blessings God has given us to help fulfill our purposes here on earth in preparation for eternity. Still there should be a time when we can lay these down to focus on Him, take a break, a sabbath rest. It is when we refuse to lay these aside to honor God that they become almost unbearable or overwhelming for us, for the strength we need to bear them comes from Him as well. Burdens are only heavy when we try to bear them ourselves. God is ready to assist if we're ready to ask.
Until tomorrow.....
Pastor Botts