Showing posts with label tired. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tired. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2025

Slowing Down the Pace

“I’m not tired yet!” – Song refrain

Interestingly, when God led His people out of Egypt He was never in a rush or hurry, He knew they needed a steady pace and more time with Him. Amen!

We all seek it! We even plan for it! That thing that God even told us we needed – REST. Oh we relax, or slow down at times, but it seems we just don’t get it at the heart level that we need it. Just think, here it is a week into the New Year and truth be told many of us are already tired, worn out. Why, because we’ve missed the secret of gaining God’s wisdom for the peace, rest we seek. God told us “in repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.” (Isaiah 30:15). It’s right there for the taking but as is true of so many of us, we want to go our own way and chart our own path. We can continue to chase that ‘fictitious’ utopian dream or enter in and accept the peace, joy, happiness, satisfaction, AND rest God has ordained for us by just living out His Word. It’s not a new resolution, it’s just plain old obedience.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way.” – Proverbs 19:2

Friday, November 17, 2023

A Key to Easing Stress

Patience! The windmill never strays in search of the wind! - A. Sklivis

Throughout the whole bible there was never a time God or His Son was in a hurry. Hmm!

Haste makes more than waste; it makes folks tired. There is almost an inverse relationship when you really think about it. The more patient we are, the more accepting we will be of what is, rather than insisting that life be exactly as we would like it to be. Without patience, life is extremely frustrating. We become easily annoyed, bothered, and irritated. Patience adds a degree of ease and acceptance to life, and it’s essential for inner peace. One key to having this patience is learning to look for and see the innocence in the situations that arise that test us. People interrupt us or situations arise not out of conspiracy but because life happens. Our loved ones show up unexpectedly, street lights slow us up, long lines crop up, not because of a vendetta against us; but because life was never supposed to be catered to us but lived by us. To try and hurry it along only brings stress, and I imagine it makes God laugh a bit too!

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"....But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience...." - Galatians 5:22

Thursday, February 2, 2023

A Recipe for Rest

If you get tired, learn to rest, not quit! - Banksy

One could almost argue that Jethro's advice to his son-in-law Moses was 'lifesaving.' Amen!

We didn't often like them as kids, but oh my, how good does a nap feel now. The opportunity to rest from the days concerns - Yes! But in truth many of us have not really learned the true meaning of REST, which is why we're so worn out, frazzled, stressed, and stretched thin. Rest is so much more than lying down for a few minutes or several hours. Rest means learning how to say 'NO' in love and mean it to those who try to crowd in on your schedule. Rest means learning how to 'delegate' tasks to others, empowering them to act. Rest means learning how to 'prepare' in advance of pressing situations so they don't stress you out. And finally, Rest means learning how to lay your cares at the altar of God and trust He will work it out. Yes, we are to be busy with the Master's plan, but He never intended to overwork anyone.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"The fear of the Lord leads to life: Then one rests content, untouched by trouble." - Proverbs 19:23

Friday, October 7, 2022

A Moment to Stop

Sleep doesn't help if it's your soul that's tired! - Anon

Though Daniel was the one in the lion's den, it was the king who couldn't get any rest. Amen!

It's bright red! Octagonal in shape! The word 'STOP' is posted right in the middle of it. Yes, it's a STOP sign. Admittedly, as a California driver I've perfected the Cali-roll. It's not a complete stop, it's a slow down and then proceed. Now according to the 'law' a STOP sign means STOP completely, not slow down. Thinking along this line I'm reminded of God's law of a 'sabbath days rest'. When His people were commanded to STOP all other activity to honor Him. In honoring Him that way it was them who were blessed through their time of worship. It's a mystery how this works but it does. I always come away 'refreshed' from my time with God. It brings restoration to my mind, body, and entire being - something God knows we need. As we gather to worship He pours out blessing upon blessing. But in truth, many of us check in to church/worship to slow our roll, show our face, but never to really STOP and be still. And we often leave with the same stresses and pressures we came with. If that's you or your life is tiring because you are often stretched thin, maybe you should just STOP! Couldn't hurt.

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." - Psalm 46:10