Showing posts with label zeal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zeal. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2025

Slowing Down the Pace

“I’m not tired yet!” – Song refrain

Interestingly, when God led His people out of Egypt He was never in a rush or hurry, He knew they needed a steady pace and more time with Him. Amen!

We all seek it! We even plan for it! That thing that God even told us we needed – REST. Oh we relax, or slow down at times, but it seems we just don’t get it at the heart level that we need it. Just think, here it is a week into the New Year and truth be told many of us are already tired, worn out. Why, because we’ve missed the secret of gaining God’s wisdom for the peace, rest we seek. God told us “in repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.” (Isaiah 30:15). It’s right there for the taking but as is true of so many of us, we want to go our own way and chart our own path. We can continue to chase that ‘fictitious’ utopian dream or enter in and accept the peace, joy, happiness, satisfaction, AND rest God has ordained for us by just living out His Word. It’s not a new resolution, it’s just plain old obedience.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way.” – Proverbs 19:2

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Physical Limits

We can only give what we are, not what we would like to be. – C. Ringma

When the disciples could not heal the demon possessed boy, Jesus reminded them that sometimes prayer and fasting is necessary. Hmm!

Although the scripture tells us “we can do all things through Christ…..” we must realize we cannot be everything to everybody. We are limited, and not just in terms of our human frailties. God has given us all certain gifts and talents to aid in our walk of faith, but to actually think we can do anything and everything is really a presumption upon His will for our lives. Yes God expects us to love and serve others in ways that express who we are, but also to remember where we end and He begins. Hopefully others will see Him in plain view through us today.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” – Romans 12:11

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Your Passionate God Work

Trivial Pursuit is a game, not a way of life. – Anon

Gideon was content to eke out an obscured, hidden life; but God said ‘No way!’ AMEN!

Motivation – it’s what fuels winners, successes. The desire to be a success drives them to be passionate about their craft – to work at it, sweat at it, give it all they have. It becomes their purpose. The fact of the matter is God created each one of us for a purpose. And just as God is passionate about His creation, within each of us is a passion He’s given us to somehow make the world a better place, make life better for those around us, and make His name known among everyone. The trick is to find out what you’re passionate about and ask God to help you make it work for His glory, that will give our lives purpose, direction, fulfillment, and use for God. There is no reward nor overtime pay for procrastination. Doing the work of God is a responsibility for each of us. Well, today is here, and God is waiting, so “if it’s going to be, it’s up to…..”

Until tomorrow……

Pastor Botts

“….Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord…” – Romans 12:11

Monday, November 30, 2020

Pursuing True Greatness

Try not to become a person of great success, but rather try to become a person of virtue. – Albert Einstein

We read often of men like Abraham, Joseph, and David who had great success in their lifetimes. Not because they pursued it, but because they pursued God, and he granted it. Hmm!

It’s true we live in a world that measures you by your professional title, wallet, possessions, education, etc., however it’s important to remember we are not ‘of the world’ but called of God to make a difference in the world. There is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to do well in our social endeavors, but NOTHING should impede our ability and opportunity to serve Almighty God. I pray we will be zealous in all our endeavors for Him.

Until tomorrow……

Pastor Botts

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these….But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” – Matthew 6:28-29, 33

Monday, January 6, 2020

THEY Can't Stop You

Others may stop you temporarily – only you can do it permanently. – Zig Ziglar

Satan tempted both Peter and Judas to betray Jesus that fateful night. One went on to become a great apostle, the other died in infamy. The choice was theirs!

Live long enough and one thing you’re sure to run into is opposition. Worthy causes are always met with the most opposition. In this life we will encounter setbacks, lack of support, lack of resources, loss of friends, and even full frontal assaults. But if the desire is truly there within the heart our pursuits will continue, “for greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.” If we truly have a zeal for God, retreat or surrender is not an option.

Until tomorrow……

Pastor Botts

“Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 3:13-14

Today's scripture reading: Proverbs 6
Today's scripture question: In verses 16-19 what do you think makes those things 'detestable' to God?

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Passionate Pursuit

Trivial Pursuit is a game, not a way of life. – Anon

Gideon was content to eke out an obscured, hidden life; but God said ‘No way!’ AMEN!

Motivation – it’s what fuels winners, successes. The desire to be a success drives them to be passionate about their craft – to work at it, sweat at it, give it all they have. It becomes their purpose. The fact of the matter is God created each one of us for a purpose. And just as God is passionate about His creation, within each of us is a passion He’s given us to somehow make the world a better place, make life better for those around us, and make His name known among everyone. The trick is to find out what you’re passionate about and ask God to help you make it work for His glory, that will give our lives purpose, direction, fulfillment, and use for God. There is no reward nor overtime pay for procrastination. Doing the work of God is a responsibility for each of us. Well, today is here, and God is waiting, so “if it’s going to be, it’s up to…..”

Until tomorrow……

Pastor Botts

“….Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord…” – Romans 12:11

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Living or Existing

You don’t grow old by living, but by losing interest in living. – R. Murray

After Joseph’s ‘perceived death’ Abraham lost a lot of his zest for life. God later ‘revived’ him. Wow!

Life comes one day at a time, and as we accumulate the days we grow older. That’s been the formula since the beginning of time. But though our bodies age our zest for life need not, for there is ever excitement and wonder afoot in God’s creation. The sad truth is though, most of us aren’t even living, we’re just existing. Going through the paces or routines of everyday life, in a rut. Not expecting anything different to happen, not expecting to make a difference because we’re so focused on ourself. God gave us life and He receives glory when we live it for Him, and the same is true for us. Our lives will be fuller and much more meaningful when we learn to live them with, and for others, in such a way that they see the goodness of God, and we live without thought of being compensated for all we do. Life is God’s gift to us and it should never feel like a sentence or prison. Each day should be seen as an opportunity to see just what God is up too.  What will you do with today’s gift?

Until tomorrow…..

Pastor Botts

“…as long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent me. Night is coming, when no man can work….” – John 9:4